Roosnek carries out research and development in the fields of (ultrasonic) acoustics, digital signal processing and dynamic damping of vibrations.

The applications include:

One of the other projects is the measurement of aircraft noise. Aircraft noise is one of the environmental items in the daily discussion on the radio, television and in the newspapers.
A monitor system for very accurate measurement of aircraft noise has been developed and demonstrated in the office of a Dutch ministery by Roosnek in 1999. In september 2000 field demonstrations have been given for three Dutch ministeries, the aviation sector and other parties in the Netherlands.  Accurate measurements are of great importance for the determination and/or confirmation of learning and health issues related to aircraft noise.
The mathematics and signal processing of this very robust and cost-effective system have been evaluated by order of the Dutch ministry of waterways and transport.

More information about the system with its applications can be found in two of the entries of this site.


Information may be requested at:

Phone: +31 70 3858332
Fax:     +31 70 7850332
