Demonstrations of the directional noise monitoring system DINOS
Wednesday mornings DINOS is demonstrated around the Schiphol main port.
The detection and tracking of aircraft will be
demonstrated as shown in Fig.1.
The technique of tracking is based on extended
Kalman estimation (in real time), using the
acoustic signals from the four microphones.
The model in the estimation is an aircraft flying
with a constant velocity, with the coordinates
based on the finite sound velocity.
Since the origin direction of the noise is known
very accurately noise measurements are
Also with the same estimation technique the horizontal wind speed vector is determined
The latter with a much longer time constant as for tracking of aircraft.
The non-coherent noise in the microphones signals, for example induced by rain and wind, but
also by the electronics and digitizing is decreased substantially This is shown by wind induced
All kinds of interesting parameters or figures can be obtained from the acoustic signals, such as
the energy of the directly received noise as function of time and coordinates, ground reflection,
background noise, rain/wind induced noise, ground traffic, etc..
Fig.2 for example shows aircraft noise spectra in real time.
For the exact time and location of the demonstration or tests phone 06-13060880.